Sprinter Sacre and Nicky Henderson - Revisited

Sprinter Sacre and Nicky Henderson - Revisit ed Sprinter Sacre was a one in a million horse, what do you think made him so special? He covered a lot of things. First of all, he was by a sire that wasn't particularly sexy but Sprinter was as good a looking horse, one of the best you'll ever see. Usually when they look like that - they're too pretty and aren't much good! He was the perfect model of a steeple chaser, he was a beautiful horse. I think he knew that, and he knew he was good. From the word go, he was a tremendous showman. He loved the atmosphere of the big days. That's what the big boys are like. We actually always put earplugs in him so he couldn't actually hear anything, which is slightly ironic as I've always said he loved the crowd and the recognition he got. But he couldn't hear anything because I stuck earplugs in him! If he didn't have them, he'd boil over and do too much. He was so good. Celia Marr looked after him when he had...